On the last morning of the ride, I woke before sunrise and was on the bike by 0730. The sun came up over the pristine fields and fences of the of this grand public farm as I rode around the park looking for a restaurant to eat breakfast. I was informed the restaurant was under renovation and my next best/closest option was a Mcdonalds. Getting there was a detour that would take some time and add about 3 miles to the longest ride I had ever attempted. Fortunately, if I could have chosen any 3 mile stretch of road to add to my trip, it would have
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Day 10 KY Horse Park, to Carter, Kentucky
On the last morning of the ride, I woke before sunrise and was on the bike by 0730. The sun came up over the pristine fields and fences of the of this grand public farm as I rode around the park looking for a restaurant to eat breakfast. I was informed the restaurant was under renovation and my next best/closest option was a Mcdonalds. Getting there was a detour that would take some time and add about 3 miles to the longest ride I had ever attempted. Fortunately, if I could have chosen any 3 mile stretch of road to add to my trip, it would have
Monday, August 30, 2010
Day 9 Louisville KY, to the Kentucky Horse Park (Lexington, KY)
Day 6, 7, and 8. Louisville, KY
This town is the most hospitable city I have ever lived in or visited. Everyone I meet seems to have something interesting to offer in the way of friendship, guidance, or hospitality. For 3 days I romped around and rode my bike back and forth across my favorite neighborhoods. On Sunday, my last evening in town, I was privileged to a ride on a pontoon boat going downriver below the falls of the Ohio. The current was strong, and the engine was finicky, we discussed a water bound trip to New Orleans with very few dissenting opinions. An interesting historical note is that the Falls of the Ohio was also the initial meeting place of the Lewis and Clark expedition. Nine members of the Corps of Discovery were recruited from Kentucky. expedition. I especially liked the tale of “York”. He was the slave who became the first African American to cross the continent. The Native Americans believed he had great spiritual power on account of his stature and complexion. While in Louisville, my hosts Peyton and Jenny were awesome. They live in a very co
ol house with lots of soulful aesthetically pleasing amendments. Staying there for three nights was exceptionally nice, and very appreciated. Some of the most beautiful carpentry and fine woodworking I have seen can be viewed on their facebook page. Their company is called birdsquare carpentry.
Sunday, August 22, 2010
Day 6 Revisiting the Garden
After a nice long sleep, I got to ride my bike across town to Americana community center where I worked before attending nursing school.
Day 5 Lexington KY, to Louisville, KY
Day 4 – Stanton, KY to Lexington, KY
I woke up to the sound of overflowing gutters. The 30% chance of rain forecasted the night before was now a flood watch. I waited to depart until 900AM. The first ten miles through Powell and Clark County were only a little damp. Then the rain picked up and I was soaked. I thought of encouraging words people have told me while being pelted by the rain during descents. My feet were squishy with water when I got to Winchester. I ate biscuits and gravy at Stinky and Coco’s restaurant on main street. The talk was of horses, family, and recipes. I left revitalized and continued my entrance into the bluegrass region of Kentucky through Fayette County. I passed horse farm estates sprawled out over the foggy undulating landscape for another 20 miles until arriving to Lexington. I visited another family friend Seth at his amazing house
Day 3 – Cave Run Lake to Red River Gorge
Saturday, August 21, 2010
Day 2: Grayson, KY to Cave Run Lake State Park
Day 2 – Grayson, KY to Cave Run Lake State Park
Monday morning I was off by 8:00 AM. My legs felt good and my bike was
performing admirably. The route I picked took me a little South then due West through
Elliot County on back roads and finally to Rowan County where there is a state park at a lake with a campground. I made it to Elliotville, about halfway, by noon and ate pizza from a gas station. The old guys sitting around the dining area were excited to talk. I engaged in more than one conversation in which most of what I heard was nearly indecipherable. I relied on intonation and intuition to garner the general nature of what was being said, how I should respond and when I should ride away on my bike, which turned out to be when I was aske
Day 1
Day 1 –
It was Sunday, and 90 something degrees until late afternoon when I left from the farm. A little apprehensive and already quite sweaty, I traveled about 25 miles over a couple of ridges to visit family friends in Grayson. The route took me through Boyd, Lawrence and Carter counties. I set up my camping gear and stayed overnight next to their pool. My hosts Marty and Tersa’s enthusiasm for the concept of riding a bike across
expected on the first full day leg of my journey, approximately 50-60 miles heading West through Elliot and